7 Simple Self-Care Habits To Do Every Morning to Be a More Connected Mom
Being a mom is the ultimate job of self-sacrifice. It’s all too easy to be so immersed in mommy land that you start forgetting you have needs too (when was my last shower???)
You want to give your baby the best version of yourself, but it’s hard to do that if you are completely depleted and not even sure what day it is. If you want to be a more connected mom, you have to start with treating yourself well and do things that can help you feel centered and in balance.
I’m not saying you need to get away to a spa every day (although that would be ideal) but even doing little things every morning that feed you emotionally, physically, and spiritually can make a big difference in being a more connected mom, boosting your energy, and getting you in the right frame of mind to take on the day— and enjoy it.
Here are seven little things to do for yourself every morning to have a healthy start to each day and be a more connected mom. =)
Drink water
Before you drink your coffee or make breakfast, drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, or two if you’re breastfeeding.
After fasting all night, drinking water first thing in the morning gets you hydrated, lubricates your joints, and clears out toxins.
If you’re breastfeeding, you need LOTS of water to keep your supply up, and it can be easy to forget to hydrate throughout the day. Give yourself a good healthy start first thing in the morning. It might even help you be more conscientious of it throughout the day.
Being a new mom is tough on your body. I’m not talking just pregnancy and birth; just being a mom makes you use muscles you didn’t know you had in positions you didn’t know were possible. You’re killing your back lifting car seats, you’re hunched over when you’re nursing or changing diapers, and you’ll probably let all your limbs go numb in any awkward position just to keep them asleep.
Do your body a favor and take just five or ten minutes in the morning to do some stretching and deep breathing. Even simple stretches, like downward dog or child’s pose, will make you feel refreshed, improve your blood circulation, and help work out the kinks so you can take on another day of baby schlepping.
It doesn’t have to take a lot of time. You can do it when you first get out of bed or even while you’re coffee is brewing.
Greet the day
Whether you are getting up to go to work or getting up to jump in the trenches of motherhood, first take a few minutes to step outside and greet the day. Feel the sunshine, breathe the fresh air, smell the flowers. If the baby is awake, bring them too! You can sip your coffee or tea outside or even do your stretches while you’re out there.
Fresh air and sunshine is good for everyone, so if you find a whole day goes by without ever going outside, you’ll be glad you got that small dose in the morning.
Do green time before screen time
Try not to look at your phone or tablet for the first fifteen minutes of the day. Go outside and greet the day before you scroll your social media or check emails.
Give your mind some space to wake up and wander. Enjoy the mental clarity that comes with just… STARING. When we allow our minds to wander, without the stimulation of a screen, it allows our mind to make connections, solve problems, and think creatively.
Use those first few moments of the day to think about what you want to accomplish in the day, what you’re grateful for, or anything that makes you feel at peace. A positive outlook starts in the mind, and doing this first thing in the morning will help you stay positive throughout the day, no matter how challenging it gets.
Make a to do list, pray, meditate, write in a journal, or do a little reading. Be kind to your mind. =)
Connect with your little one
Connect with your child without distraction. Before you know it, you’ll be caught up in the day’s activities, trying to get things done, on your phone, or in some other way having to multitask.
Even if it’s just for a few moments reading a book together, saying hello to the garden, or sharing a few cuddles, make a point to have meaningful connection with them first thing in the morning before the day gets away from you.
Stay in the moment
You may be wondering what this one has to do with self care. Well, you have to care for yourself emotionally, and reminding yourself every day to stay in the moment will free you from mom guilt later on.
Being a new mom can be overwhelming and stressful and at times it can be easy to wish away some of the more challenging phases. But remember, each phase is beautiful in its own way and is so fleeting.
Enjoy each moment with your little one, even the challenging ones. This time is so special and is never to be repeated. You don’t want to look back and regret that you didn’t slow down and enjoy each precious moment with them.
Soak them up.
Everything I mentioned in this list can be done in as little as just ten minutes
But these small little daily habits make a big difference in how you feel emotionally and physically throughout the day. It gets you off to a good start so you can take on the day and give your baby the best version of you.
Wonderful tips Jessie! I’m not a mother (yet) but I can still utilize these tips to be a better wife and Furrmom. Great job!
I definitely agree! And I feel the older my kids get I have started to have more time here and there. So I’m definitely prioritizing the “fill me up” moments…so I can continue to fill them up. But they are so needed, daily!
Yes agreed! Thank you for taking the time to read! =)