Top 5 Books to Read BEFORE Baby Arrives
I don’t know about you, but I have a fear of choosing a book that turns out to be boring and tedious or just plain awful.
I am a slow reader, and I hate wasting my time on a book that sucks the life out of me and my precious time. I can never get that time back! I promise you, you won’t go wrong with any of these books
I will start by saying this is not a typical pregnancy book list.
But if you are looking for the knowledge and the inspiration you need to give your baby the healthiest start possible, read these five books.
All of them are SO insightful and have valuable information for any parent who wants to feel empowered to make choices that will support their child’s long-term health and is interested in a natural-parenting approach.
I honestly wish I had come across this list when I was pregnant because it would have made researching so much easier!
While they are not all necessarily “pregnancy books”, I highly recommend reading them before your little one arrives to help you get in the right head space for the incredible journey that is ahead of you.
Here are the top 5 pregnancy and parenting books to read that will equip and inspire you to give your baby the healthiest start possible.
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#1: Real Food for Pregnancy
There are few things that are more outdated than dad jokes and the current dietary guidelines for pregnant women.
Lily Nichols overturns so many common myths about which foods are and are not healthy during pregnancy and explains all the science behind it in a simple and palatable (no pun intended) way.
This book should be a staple in the library of every health practitioner, midwife, and soon-to-be mama. If What To Expect When You’re Expecting is the pregnancy bible, then this would be the pregnant woman’s owner’s manual. If you want to know what foods REALLY support the growth of your developing fetus and a healthy pregnancy, START WITH THIS BOOK.
#2: Let them Eat Dirt
As a new mom, it is totally normal to be a bit paranoid germs.
Should I sterilize pacifiers every time I use them? Should I let them touch the dog? What about anti-bacterial wipes? How do I keep them from putting everything in their mouth? We want to keep these perfect little humans as pure and healthy as possible.
Let me tell you, this book will help you feel way less stressed about all of these things! Not only are dirt and bacteria good for our children, they are vital for building healthy immune systems and a strong gut microbiome. Unfortunately, we live in an over-sanitized world, and our children are the ones suffering the consequences.
Let Them Eat Dirt digs deep into the world of bacteria and shows why rolling out the welcome mat to them is vital for our children’s long-term health. I have this on the list to read while pregnant because the first hundred days of a baby’s life is a crucial time period for building their immune system, starting with birth!
So if you are pregnant, start now to get the dirt on dirt! Buy here.
#3: The Montessori Baby
Okay to be honest, I haven’t actually read this one, BUT… I read her previous book, The Montessori Toddler, which I also highly recommend.
I only wish I had this book when I was pregnant, but unfortunately, I was past the newborn stage with my little one when The Montessori Baby came out, but I definitely intend to read it before baby #2!
Simone gives an insightful, user-friendly introduction to what Montessori is, and gives practical ways to implement the Montessori method in the home.
Do you think having a baby means you are doomed to a life of chaos, obnoxious TV shows, and bright-colored battery-operated toys?
Think again.
Less is more with for the developing brain of a baby, and this book will help you create a home that is a peaceful and beautifully rich learning environment for them.
I have personally found some Montessori books to feel a bit uptight, but this one is a gentle read, and the book itself is beautiful, which is a plus. 😉
#4: There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather
No matter where you are on your parenting journey, this book is a must!!!
I was fortunate enough to stumble upon it while my baby was only a few months old and I am so glad I did, because it has shaped my own approach to parenting.
In a very down-to-earth way, Linda McGurk weaves her own observation as a mother with up-to-date science and research to show how our drifting away from nature and outdoor play in recent times is impacting the health, resilience, and happiness of our children. She talks about the benefits of giving our children a nature-rich childhood and gives practical advice on how to do it.
The book is based on the Scandinavian quote, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes”, and she sheds light on the Scandinavian way of parenting outside (including, letting their babies nap outside in below-freezing temperatures, forest school, and sledding parties) and I guarantee you will feel inspired to adopt many of the Scandinavian ways after reading this book— or you’ll just want to move to Scandinavia.
This book will inspire you and will be one you reference for inspiration for years to come. She also includes her own book recommendations at the end of each chapter!
#5: The Danish Way of Parenting
The Danes are world renowned for being the “happiest people in the world”, and after reading this book, I’m pretty sure it starts with their parenting philosophies.
Words that come to mind are gentle, peaceful, wise, positive, non competitive and ahhhh…… inspiring.
This book had a very introspective effect on me. It made me realize that just because you were parented a certain way, doesn’t mean you have to parent that way. But that’s the great thing about drawing from different cultures: it broadens our perspective and shows us there is ALWAYS something we can learn from others that has the power to make our way a better way.
If you want your kids to be raised like the happiest kids in the world, you don’t have to spend all your money at Disneyland. Just buy this book.
There you have it!
There are so many other wonderful books to read and ones that I am still eager to read, but these five are a great start! I hope this list helps you feel equipped and inspired for this incredible journey of parenthood that awaits you.

Here’s a quick list:
- Real Food for Pregnancy
- Let Them Eat Dirt
- The Montessori Baby
- There’s No Such Thing As Bad Weather
- The Danish Way of Parenting
What are some of your top book recommendations for parenting? I’m always looking for a good read!